잠시 쉬어가시지요 - 영문번역 퀴즈!

by 의문 posted Sep 18, 2016 Replies 3


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제

율법, 계명준수, 복음, 믿음으로 말미암는 의 등등으로 너무 다투지 마시고 잠시 쉬어가시지요. 영문번역 퀴즈입니다.


8개 이상 맞추시면 (A+), 7개(A), 6개(B+), 5개(B), 4개(C+), 3개(C), 그 아래는 낙제! 7개 이상이면 아주 훌륭한 수준이십니다.

정답은 2주 후에 댓글로 올리겠습니다.


1. I have a black and white dog.

2. It is justly said that time and tide wait for no man.

3. There is nothing I can tell you that you don't know.

4. You have called me names enough, I will not stand it any longer.

5. He waited in courteous silence until the father rose.

6. He is nothing but a student.

7. I have never wished to be nothing but a writer.

8. Economic laws can no more be evaded than can gravitation.

9. He felt his way very cautiously along the wall towards the door, listening for any sound.

10. I have no ear whatever, I could not sing an air to save my life. 



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